Health & Well-Being

Food Systems Summit Synthesis Deep Dive Reports

Blue Marble Evaluation (BME) teams have been working to synthesize themes across the hundreds of Independent Dialogues, resulting in the following reports: Interim Synthesis Report 1: Based on the initial 17 feedback forms, presents a generative and illustrative set of emerging themes. Interim Synthesis Report 2: More than 100 Independent Dialogues have produced 10 guiding themes. Final Synthesis […]

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A Clarion Call for Food Systems Transformation

As part of preparation and building momentum for the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit more than 900 Independent Dialogues have taken place around the world. These Summit Dialogues aim to offer a seat at the table to all interested stakeholders, giving them an opportunity to debate, collaborate, and provide input into deliberations on the future of food. Conveners of

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Regenerate Costa Rica + Blue Marble Baseline = Learning by Doing

Regenerate Costa Rica is an initiative by the University for International Cooperation launched in 2018. The initiative brings together a community with multiple capacities in order to reflect, plan and activate projects that enable the country’s transition towards a regenerative paradigm. Given the realities of the anthropocene playing out across Costa Rica (one of the most

Regenerate Costa Rica + Blue Marble Baseline = Learning by Doing Read More »

Learning as you go: Becoming part of the solution as a Blue Marble Evaluator navigating the pandemic

What are we learning in this pandemic? We are seeing that individuals matter: individual actions have reverberating consequences. We are also seeing that systems matter: how systems act to address the pandemic and protect peoples have dire consequences for the individuals that live in society and for the rest of us around the blue marble. Various levels of governments

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Reflection on Curves: Pandemic curves, climate curves, social justice curves, and humanity’s learning curve

It seems like a long, long time ago when the clarion call for managing the coronavirus pandemic was flattening the curve, but it was only seven months ago. I predicted at the time that the widely communicated and highly effective graphic disseminated by CDC (2020) would become the world’s most famous, influential, and recognizable graphic visualization.

Reflection on Curves: Pandemic curves, climate curves, social justice curves, and humanity’s learning curve Read More »

Evaluation Implications of the Coronavirus Global Health Pandemic Emergency

I’ve been doing evaluations and writing about the evaluation profession for nearly 50 years. For the last decade, I’ve been writing about evaluation under conditions of complexity (Developmental Evaluation) and global systems transformations (Blue Marble Evaluation). I’ve been getting queries from colleagues young and old, novice evaluators and long-time practitioners, asking how I’m making sense

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The Interconnection Between the Global and the Personal: A Blue Marble Perspective

At the end of February, as part of a speaking engagement on Blue Marble Evaluation in Charlotte, North Carolina, I had the opportunity to meet with a group of community leaders, activists, and scholars to discuss how we collectively and individually approach the climate emergency in our own work and our lives. The group included

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