MQP Musings

Evaluation Implications of the Coronavirus Global Health Pandemic Emergency

I’ve been doing evaluations and writing about the evaluation profession for nearly 50 years. For the last decade, I’ve been writing about evaluation under conditions of complexity (Developmental Evaluation) and global systems transformations (Blue Marble Evaluation). I’ve been getting queries from colleagues young and old, novice evaluators and long-time practitioners, asking how I’m making sense […]

Evaluation Implications of the Coronavirus Global Health Pandemic Emergency Read More »

Word of the year banner

Climate Emergency from a Blue Marble Evaluation Perspective

The 2019 Oxford Dictionary word of the year is “climate emergency.” The word of the year is both retrospective, chosen because of dramatically increased use in both published and social media, but also prospective, for calling attention to the word of the year tends to increase its use. “Climate emergency is defined as ‘a situation in which urgent action

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