Bricolage Methods Principle

Conduct utilization-focused evaluations incorporating Blue Marble principles to match methods to the evaluation situation.


The variety of possible Blue marble evaluation situations is so vast that no predetermined set will be adequate. There can be no Blue Marble methods toolbox, a popular metaphor for evaluators offering a limited and definitive set of “tools.” Context matters in designing evaluations. Intended purposes and uses matter, as does identifying and working with primary intended users. Standardization is anathema; customization and contextualization rule.


  • Blue Marble bricoleur teams will likely be needed to access a variety of possible methods, measures, analytical approaches, and methodological specializations.
  • Newer technologies like Big Data, GIS, remote sensing, artificial intelligence (AI), social systems network mapping techniques, and blockchain innovations will likely have Blue Marble evaluation applications.
  • Blue Marble evaluation designs may be emergent and adaptive given the diversity of worldwide situations and applications and the dynamic nature of the global environment.
  • Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods will likely be needed to do justice to the complexity and multi-dimensional nature of Blue Marble evaluations.
  • The GLOCAL principle means that Blue Marble analysis will include national data disaggregated within countries and global data aggregated and synthesized across countries.
  • The time is of the essence principle guides evaluation bricoleurs toward longitudinal designs that can capture and assess trajectories toward sustainability and transformation over time.
  • Blue Marble evaluations must be utilization-focused.