Evaluation in the SDGs Era: Adapting “Developmental Evaluation” in the Japanese Context

The book “Evaluation in the SDGs era: A dynamics for value extraction and social/individual transformation” (tentative title; written in Japanese) is going to be published from Tsukuba-Shobo in December 2021. Prior to publication, we would like to reconsider about evaluation in the SDGs era with Dr. Michael Patton, who contributed a chapter with a full of message for Japanese readers.

In this so-called SDGs era, when the social conditions are dynamically and unexpectedly changing, the concept of evaluation itself needs to be reconsidered. Don’t we try to measure a dynamic reality by a static measurement? Or, don’t we try to evaluate the multi-stakeholders’ project by a uniformed value standard? It is required for us to return to the original meaning of “evaluation” or “extracting-values” and to reconstruct the concept and practice of evaluation in a more dynamic and collaborative way. This webinar is exploring the frontier of evaluation science with Dr. Patton, the former president of American Evaluation Association and the leading expert of Developmental Evaluation and Blue Marble Evaluation studies.

Click here to watch a recording of this webinar.

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