Regenerate Costa Rica is an initiative by the University for International Cooperation launched in 2018. The initiative brings together a community with multiple capacities in order to reflect, plan and activate projects that enable the country’s transition towards a regenerative paradigm.
Given the realities of the anthropocene playing out across Costa Rica (one of the most biodiverse countries in the world), they developed a holistic vision based on the 6 pillars of regeneration—environment, society, politics, economy, culture and spirituality—developed by their leader, Eduard Muller.
As visionary experts in regeneration, they have identified Blue Marble evaluation as a critical dimension and have started to implement an innovative strategy to develop one of the world’s first Blue Marble Baselines and a future Blue Marble Hub in Costa Rica for adaptive learning through implementation towards regeneration across Central America.
Join us as we hear about this initiative’s transformative vision, their comprehensive delta of regenerative projects and their commitment to work so that life can evolve in free, healthy and fair conditions.
Click here to watch a recording of this webinar on YouTube. The original chat log is available to view here.