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Transformative Engagement: Blue Marble Evaluators’ role in uncovering social structures that limit human potential

Several members of the BME network will be presenting the following session at the American Evaluation Conference: All over the world schools serve indigenous populations and/or immigrants from other cultures. How do we create and evaluate education systems that are responsive to diverse cultural backgrounds? How do we balance accountability measures such as standardized tests with […]

Transformative Engagement: Blue Marble Evaluators’ role in uncovering social structures that limit human potential Read More »

A Blue Marble Lens on Evaluating Education Policy: How global ideas can be adapted to local needs

Several members of the Blue Marble Evaluation network will be presenting at the K12 TIG Business Meeting at the American Evaluation Association Conference: When primary and secondary students perform poorly on international tests such as PISA, education policymakers often consider “borrowing” or emulating policies from more successful nations. Blue Marble Evaluation calls us to apply the

A Blue Marble Lens on Evaluating Education Policy: How global ideas can be adapted to local needs Read More »

Fostering an Intergenerational Approach to Transforming Evaluation

In this webinar, we heard from several young and emerging evaluators and leaders from the EvalYouth Global Network about the ways they are embedding BME principles into their work, both as a network and as individual evaluators. EvalYouth is a global, multi-stakeholder partnership/network that supports and promotes young and emerging evaluators (YEEs) and youth-led accountability around the world. The

Fostering an Intergenerational Approach to Transforming Evaluation Read More »

Learning as you go: Becoming part of the solution as a Blue Marble Evaluator navigating the pandemic

What are we learning in this pandemic? We are seeing that individuals matter: individual actions have reverberating consequences. We are also seeing that systems matter: how systems act to address the pandemic and protect peoples have dire consequences for the individuals that live in society and for the rest of us around the blue marble. Various levels of governments

Learning as you go: Becoming part of the solution as a Blue Marble Evaluator navigating the pandemic Read More »