April 2021 Newsletter

This month, we are happy to introduce you to Blue Marble Evaluation’s new Global Advisory Council. This group will be supporting our network as we work to build the capacity of Blue Marble Evaluators and build demand for Blue Marble Evaluation globally. We are also celebrating the 1 year anniversary of the Transformation Systems Mapping and Analysis Group, formed one year ago on Earth Day, with a webinar on Relational Systems Thinking. There are many more opportunities to engage with BME coming up over the next few months. Read on for details and join us

Upcoming Webinar

Relational Systems Thinking

April 23, 2021 @ 15:00 UTC
Melanie Goodchild and Terrellyn Fearn
Turtle Island Institute

This webinar will celebrate the 1 year anniversary of the Transformation Systems Mapping & Analysis Working group and highlight the work of Turtle Island Institute (TII), a global Indigenous social innovation think & do tank, a teaching lodge. Building on Founder & Co-Director Melanie Goodchild’s work on Relational Systems Thinking (RST), this webinar will provide an overview of RST as a bridge between systems thinking and Anishinaabe Gikendaasowin (original ways of knowing).Recordings of our past webinars are all available on our website.

Parlez-vous français?

Nous vous présentons les Principes du Blue Marble, traduit en francais par Andrealisa Belzer et Seyba Cissokho.

This marks the third translation of the Blue Marble Principles. They are also available in Spanish and Japanese.  Are you interested in translating the BME Principles into your native language? Contact us!

Opportunities to Learn & Engage with BME

Acknowledging and Celebrating Earth Day Interconnections for Environmental Justice
Michael Quinn Patton
April 22nd @ 7-8:30 CDT
Michael will talk about environmental justice, which connects planetary sustainability with social justice. We will learn details about how those most vulnerable and disadvantaged will be most affected by the climate emergency, as they have been most affected by COVID-19.
Click here to RSVP

Canadian Evaluation Society Annual Conference
The annual conference of the Canadian Evaluation Society will feature Blue Marble Evaluation workshops and invites Blue Marble Evaluators to network among other colleagues who are focused “at the nexus.”

Pre-Conference Workshop

Learning As You Go: Becoming Part of the Solution as a Blue Marble Evaluator in the Public Sector

With Keiko Kuji-Shikatani

May 5-6, 2021

For evaluators both internal and external working directly/indirectly for/or with the social innovators in the public/not-for-profit sector who find themselves dealing with problems, trying out strategies, and striving to achieve goals that emerge from their engagement with the change process. Hands on learning will show how BME can provide a framework for developing, adapting and evaluating major system change initiatives and transformation involving complex networks while rooted in utilization-focused, developmental, and principles-focused evaluation. Click here to register.

Networking Session:
Monday May 10th @ 13:30-14:00 EST
Sustainability Evaluation for transformation at the nexus of human and natural systems: Join hosts Andy Rowe, Andrealisa Belzer and Ilunga Bukasa for informal networking among colleagues focused on sustainability-focused evaluators, Blue Marble Evaluators, and other systems-informed approaches to address the Anthropocene. You must be registered for the conference to attend the networking session. Click here for more information.

Blue Marble Evaluation Online Course
International Program for Development Evaluation Training
July 12-16, 2021
Evaluating transformation requires new ways of conceptualizing and conducting evaluations.  That is the focus of this introductory course. Scholarships are available. Click here for more information.

Featured Resources

Innovative Practices for Systems Transformations
This edition of the Social Innovations Journal provides a cross-section of the highly participatory and action-oriented work of the Transformations Community of Practice.

The ‘Thou Shalt Nots’ of Systems Change
By Christian Seelos, Sara Farley & Amanda L. Rose
Enthusiasm for systems change is not new, and a broader historical perspective will help systems change enthusiasts learn from the past what NOT to do: replicate the ineffective mindsets and engineering approaches that have defined so much of the systems change work in our sectors.

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