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2021 Reflections from the BME Advisory Council

When we set out to create the Blue Marble Evaluation network, it is safe to say that we did not really know what we were doing. We received a lot of great advice and tremendous support from the McKnight Foundation and from many of our members and friends. We have been overwhelmed with the positive response from the evaluation community and beyond.

Now that we are two years into this endeavor, we are seeing more projects and initiatives adopting a Blue Marble approach. With the uptick in adoption of Blue Marble principles and perspectives, we believe there is a growing need for international spaces to learn and reflect together.

To that end, we are stepping back from some of our more regular webinars and other content to support deeper learning and community-building. In the new year, we will be exploring how to make space for smaller groups of BME members to engage with one another, to share challenges and lessons, and to help us better understand how BME principles show up in practice.

To support this work and our growing membership in the new year, we are also seeking more members to become engaged in helping to manage the network. In particular, we will be putting out a call for volunteers to  support communications and programming in the new year. If you are interested, please get in touch or watch for our call for volunteers in early 2022.

Principle 3: Transformative Engagement

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