Glenn Page

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Profile Details
United States
For over 30 years, Glenn has been working on creating pathways to place-based transformation of our coasts/oceans/watersheds that integrate numerous social and ecological issues. His advanced degrees are in interdisciplinary marine science and evaluation and has been working at the interface of science, policy and practice. As restoration ecologist by training, he “grew up” designing and building natural systems (i.e. dunes, rivers, wetlands and forests), focusing on ecosystem function, equivalency and evaluation. Currently, he is the President/CEO of SustainaMetrix, which is about “Navigating in the Anthropocene” as Glenn leads a team of interdisciplinary experts who brings innovation, Blue Marble Evaluation and systems thinking to complex, messy, cross-scale, wicked challenges of our time.
Primary affiliation
SustainaMetrix LLC
Private Sector (consulting)
Experience and expertise
Biodiversity, Climate Change, Economic Development, Energy, Environmental Justice, Food Security, Oceans, Sustainability, Trans-National Partnerships
Blue Marble Evaluation, Developmental Evaluation, Participatory Evaluation, Principles-Focused Evaluation, Utilization-Focused Evaluation
Appreciative Inquiry, Case Study, Contribution Analysis, Critical System Heuristics, Horizontal Evaluation, Outcome Harvesting, Outcome Mapping, Social Return on Investment (SROI), Success Case Method
Africa, Western Africa, Oceania, Micronesia, Europe, Western Europe, Southern Europe, Northern Europe, Americas, South America, Northern America, Central America, Caribbean
Evaluation - i.e. development(al) evaluation, program evaluation, utilization-focused evaluation, Natural sciences - i.e. biological, physical sciences, Social sciences - i.e. human geography, psychology, economics, history, sociology, Systems science - i.e. cybernetics, complex systems, information systems, systems theory