Global Advisory Council

The Blue Marble Evaluation Global Advisory Council is composed of BME members from different regions in the world to provide strategic guidance to the network. The current group of advisors began working together in April 2021. 

Andrealisa Belzer is a Canadian Credentialed Evaluator with a background in Health Education and Biology. She has practiced evaluation since 1995 in Canada and Germany, working at NGO’s, public and private sectors, and as a volunteer within interconnected Canadian and International evaluation networks (CES, RFE, IOCE, EvalIndigenous).  She has participated in multiple workstreams of the BME Transformation Systems Mapping and Analysis Working Group and is supporting the establishment of a Canada-hosted hub of Blue Marble Evaluation that leverages federal and CES commitments to Truth and Reconciliation in order to centre UNDRIP and rights of nature.  She is also supporting the establishment of EvalTransform as a supplement to existing EvalPartners networks.  A second-generation evaluator and passionate theory nerd, Andrealisa is committed to a pedagogy of evaluation that cultivates equity and regeneration in social and ecological systems.  Blue Marble Evaluation has offered Andrealisa community in which to serve, connect and learn in alignment with principles that can guide transformational practice across geographic, disciplinary and cultural boundaries.

Charmagne Campbell-Patton is the Director of Organizational Learning and Evaluation at Utilization-Focused Evaluation.In this role, she supports organizations working for social justice by embedding evaluative thinking across programs and operations. She brings fifteen years of program design, implementation and evaluation experience to this work from across a range of fields, including youth civic engagement, education, environmental justice, youth homelessness and philanthropy. She specializes in qualitative research methods and utilization-focused developmental evaluation. As a co-founder of the Blue Marble Evaluation network, Charmagne is responsible for curating content and experiences to deepen and enhance the practice of Blue Marble Evaluators around the world.

Claire Nicklin lives in Quito, Ecuador and is the Andes Regional Representative for the Collaborative Crop Research Program (CCRP) of the McKnight Foundation. She helps to facilitate a Community of Practice among grantees and support a developmental, utilization-focused approach to evaluation. Claire is also part of the Integrated, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Planning team of the CCRP and assists in the gathering, analysis, and sharing of evaluative data and learning in this role.

Glenn Page is the President and CEO of SustainaMetrix, where he leads an interdisciplinary team working around the world in coastal areas, addressing interconnected issues of food, water and energy. A restoration ecologist by training, Glenn “grew up” working on the restoration of dunes, rivers, wetlands and forests, focusing on ecosystem function, equivalency and valuation. He helped to develop the field of citizen science and public involvement in action research for conservation stewardship. Glenn was the founding Director of Conservation at the National Aquarium in Baltimore, where Vice President Al Gore officially recognized him as an Environmental Hero. He combines skilled facilitation with expertise in marine science, coastal management, evaluation, and transformation. Glenn brings innovation and systems thinking to the complex, wicked challenges of our time. 

Michael Quinn Patton is the Founder and CEO of Utilization-Focused Evaluation, an independent organizational development and program evaluation organization. He has authored several books on evaluation, including Blue Marble Evaluation (2019). Michael has received both the Alva and Gunnar Myrdal Award for “outstanding contributions to evaluation use and practice” and the Paul F. Lazarsfeld Award for lifetime contributions to evaluation theory awarded by the American Evaluation Association. As the founder of Blue Marble Evaluation, Michael is dedicated to transforming the practice of evaluation to evaluation global systems transformation. 

Katsuji Imata serves as president of SIMI (Social Impact Management Initiative, Japan), a multi-sector coalition of field builders, investors, corporations, social purpose organizations, consultants and intermediaries to promote social impact management. He also serves as the Training Committee Chair and a board member of the Japan Evaluation Society (JES), a member of the IMM (Impact Measurement and Management) Working Group of the GSG for Impact Investment Japan National Advisory Board, and an evaluation advisor to JANPIA (Japan Network for Public Interest Activities), a government-assigned body to manage and fund the dormant account assets for social purposes. Beyond these primary roles, he also serves on the board of Japan Civil Society Network on SDGs (SDGs Japan) and Japan NPO Center. Katsuji was in Johannesburg in 2008-2013 working for CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation as Deputy Secretary General, and led the effort to involve civil society globally in the UN-led post-2015 development/sustainability agenda that culminated in the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015. In 2020, Katsuji and his colleague Naoki started a new company, Blue Marble Japan, to disseminate the idea and practice of evaluation that contributes to solving global issues, as an affiliate of Blue Marble Evaluation.

Mutizwa Mukute is the Director of Social Learning and Innovation Ltd, a Zimbabwe-based consultancy firm. He is also a member of the Adaptation Technical Evaluation Reference Group (AF-TERG), a Rhodes University (Environmental Learning Research Centre) senior research associate, and an Emerald Network senior associate. He serves as a Friend of Promotion of Local Innovation (Prolinnova) and an Elder of Participatory Ecological Land Use Management Association (PELUM) Zimbabwe. Mutizwa holds a Masters and PhD in Environmental Education. Since 1988, Mutizwa has worked as a wildlife manager, an environmental researcher/writer, college coordinator and regional director and consultant. Mutizwa’s interest in conducting evaluative work started in 1998 when he encountered challenges in coordinating the joint implementation of an inter-disciplinary curriculum by two universities, 10 NGOs and two government training departments. This resulted in him conducting an evaluative research for his Master’s thesis. Since then Mutizwa has been conducting evaluative assignments that have increased in scale and complexity. He currently uses a wide range of evaluation approaches that are sensitised by complexity thinking, learning and transformation, meaningful participation and justice, utilisation-focus and principles-based. He has conducted evaluations for multilateral organisations, intergovernmental bodies, donors, NGOs, farmer organisations and universities. Mutizwa’s passion is to make evaluation contribute to learning, innovation and real-life changes

Nicole Bowman /Waapalaneexkweew (Lunaape/Mohican), PhD., is a traditional Ndulunaapeewi Kwe (Lunaape woman) and an evaluation innovator whose academic lodge sits at the intersection of traditional knowledge, Tribal sovereignty, and evaluation. She is the President of Bowman Performance Consulting and an Associate Scientist with the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Nicky is a subject matter expert in systems (Nation to Nation), culturally responsive, and Indigenous research, policy, and evaluation. She is AEA’s 2018 Robert Ingle Service Award winner (first Indigenous awardee) and serves on numerous global evaluation or educational journal review boards. including as co-chair of AEA’s Indigenous Peoples in Evaluation Topical Interest Group and a Global Member of both EvalIndigenous and AEA’s International Work Group.

Pablo Vidueira is a researcher and evaluation consultant based in Madrid and working for the Technical University of Madrid. His background is on agricultural engineering and rural development with a PhD on evaluation and focused on impact assessment methodologies and systems approaches in evaluation. Pablo lectures courses and facilitate workshops in evaluation and scientific research in several universities and organizations. He works as an international consultant for the World Food Program and as the world’s first Blue Marble Evaluator for the Global Alliance for the Future of Food as the Blue Marble Evaluator.

Taruna Gupta is a Kenyan national and an independent evaluator with an interest in health, youth, technology for social good and climate change. She holds an MSc in Global Health and Development from University College London; a BSc in Functional Genomics and Stem Cell Science; and is currently studying her Bachelor of Laws. Taruna worked as a global health consultant based in London, where she supported the creation of a health unit; through the successful contracting, management and implementation of large multi donor programmes focused on health system strengthening in post-conflict states. Later, she was involved in the pilots and/or scale up of three different innovative technologies to improve health service delivery for vulnerable populations in both developing and developed countries. Through her career she has had extensive experience working with donors agencies, governments, international NGOs and private sector organisations, across the globe. She transitioned to conducting evaluations as a result of her passion for doing development differently and maximising results and learning in the aid sector. Taruna serves as the Secretariat for the EvalYouth Global Network, supports Peer-to-Peer Career Advisory Sessions for Young and Emerging Evaluators and the #evidencematter campaign.