Evaluator Competencies for Global-Local (GLOCAL) Inquiry in ‘Learning as We Go’

This full-day session will take place at the Canadian Evaluation Society Conference in Quebec City. Register for CES.

Session Description:

Glocally competent evaluator integrate evaluative thinking across levels to support a focus on the ultimate beneficiary individuals without losing sight of the complex and interdependent systems and the global context in which they live. Build your competencies to ‘zoom in and out’ with global and local perspectives as we walk you through how evaluators can support social innovators to make local to global connections, evaluate the extent to which the work is making lives better, and Learning as We Go to get to where you want to be. Workshop begins with an overview of the principles and processes involved in GLOCAL inquiry, adapted from Blue Marble Evaluation (Patton, 2020). You will be engaged in opportunities to learn experientially the competency to zoom in and out embedding evaluative thinking in the way you work to understand and take into account the interconnections between the local community level, the intervention systems that affect local communities, and global.