Blue Marble Evaluation Online Workshop Webinar Series

Blue Marble refers to the iconic image of the Earth from space without borders or boundaries, a whole Earth perspective. We humans are using our planet’s resources, and polluting and warming it, in ways that are unsustainable. Many people, organizations, and networks are working to ensure the future is more sustainable and equitable. Blue Marble evaluators enter the fray by helping design such efforts, provide ongoing feedback for adaptation and enhanced impact, and examine the long-term effectiveness of such interventions and initiatives. Incorporating the Blue Marble perspective means looking beyond nation-state boundaries and across sector and issue silos to connect the global and local, connect the human and ecological, and connect evaluative thinking and methods with those trying to bring about global systems transformation. Forecasts for the future of humanity run the gamut from doom-and-gloom to utopia. Evaluation as a transdisciplinary, global profession has much to offer in navigating the risks and opportunities that arise as global change initiatives and interventions are designed and undertaken to ensure a more sustainable and equitable future.

Module 1 : June 9, 2020 – 8-11am. The Blue Marble Evaluation: What it is, why it matters, and how to do it.

Module 2: June 11, 2020 – 8-11am. Connecting the local with the global, and the global with the local: Thinking globally, acting locally and globally, and evaluating the interactions and results.

Module 3: June 16, 2020 – 8-11am. The principles that undergird and guide Blue Marble Evaluation: Principles-focused evaluation for a more sustainable and equitable future.

Module 4: June 18, 2020, 8-11am. Evaluating systems transformations: Transforming evaluation to evaluate transformation.

Workshop presenter:Michael Quinn Patton is the originator of Blue Marble Evaluation and author of the book by that name. He is former president of the American Evaluation Association and author of 8 major evaluation books including Utilization-Focused Evaluation, Developmental Evaluation, and Principles-Focused Evaluation. He has extensive experience teaching online.

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