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AEA Session – Blue Marble Evaluation: transforming evaluation to inform global transformation in the Anthropocene

Summary: Taking a Blue Marble perspective means viewing the world holistically. It begins with watching for and interpreting interconnections in the global system, thus thinking beyond nation-states, sector siloes, and narrowly identified issues. Blue Marble evaluations assess global-local interactions by observing and documenting contextual variations locally within a coherent global pattern. Blue Marble Evaluation is not a specific set of methods or measurements, though treating the global system as the focus of evaluation has major methodological and measurement implications. Blue Marble evaluators must be able to communicate and work with the vast array of people. Blue Marble evaluations must provide timely, meaningful, relevant, credible, and actionable information in suppor of global systems change and, ultimately, transformation, thereby becoming part of the solution. This is a tall order! This session will provide some specific examples of how a Blue Marble perspective is being incorporated in three different evaluation practices.

Session Number: 2270

Track: Systems in Evaluation

Presenters: Michael Quinn Patton, Marah B Moore, Pablo Vidueira, Glenn G. Page, Claire Nicklin

Room: CC M100 A