Summary: The Blue Marble is the iconic image of the Earth from space without borders or boundaries, a whole Earth perspective. Humans are using the Earth’s resources, polluting and warming it sustainably. Climate change, worldwide pollution, and global disparities require global interventions and world savvy evaluators. Blue Marble evaluators enter the fray by examining the effectiveness of global transformation efforts in the context of Sustainability Development Goals and Agenda 2030 and beyond. The Blue Marble perspective means looking beyond nation-state boundaries and across sector and issue silos to connect the global and local, connect the human and ecological, and connect evaluative thinking and methods with those trying to bring about global systems transformation. This involves thinking globally, acting locally, and evaluating the interactions. Blue Marble evaluation has four overarching principles and 12 operating principles that guide evaluating global systems transformations. Their implications will be discussed: Evaluating transformation means transforming evaluation.
Speaker: Michael Quinn Patton
Session Number: 1295
Track: International and Cross Cultural Evaluation
Session Type: Expert Lecture
Time: Nov 15, 2019 (02:15 PM – 03:15 PM)
Room: CC M100 I