These Story Maps showcase the final presentations of the five bioregional macroscope teams taking part in the first Story of Place course, from Boston Harbor, Casco Bay, the Passamaquoddy Homeland, Tayside, and Clydeside.
This ArcGIS Story Map Collection displays all modules that were part of the Story of Place Course held from September 2020 to February 2021. The course focuses on understanding global issues at a bioregional scale.
Our first workstream conclusion is that we are very transversal. We’re mapping the global systems thinker community, their technologies and methodologies.
We have created two very simple forms for data collection, as below. So please participate and submit who and what you know to help grow this…
Check out an in-depth ESRI Story Map introducing the Working Group here!
This Social Systems Map represents the ecosystem developing around the Transformations Systems Mapping and Analysis Working Group. This is one of our first products, which will contribute to our development, help us to self-organize, and amplify our ability to SEE the eco-system we are creating as…